Monday, 14 November 2011

We're off!

Tomorrow morning we are going to Bellingen for a few days, on our way to our actual destination, Byron Bay, to stay with Lymn family friends, Jenny and Ray. So excited! Not sure when the next time we'll have internet is, so....yes. Here are some pictures of the Bondi Sculpture By The Sea 2011 exhibition.

And here's a picture of Lili dancing on the Balmoral Bandstandy thing at Mosman.
That was after we all went out for a gorrrgeous Thai meal. I drove us back in Lee's car which was an automatic. Exciting. So strange not having to put the clutch in when you come to a stop - you're just waiting for it to stall, but it doesn't.

Today it was SO hot! It was 37 degrees. That's hot, in my book of hot. I officially love air con. Wish the van had it for our 7 hour journey....

YAY adventures!

1 comment:

  1. have fun! Posted a letter to you in bellingen. Let me know when it arrives.
    x x
