Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Yay things

Oh my goodness, look, happiness in tiny bottles!


Hilarity as Pete tries on Mum's coat
Meanwhile, Zappa is enjoying himself in Greece with some of the climbers. He sent me this picture this morning whilst waiting for the others to get up (such a keeno):

Monday, 15 October 2012

The Good Life, Petersfield

We have a very lovely friend called Claire who has helped to set up The Good Life Education & Community Garden Project, who have taken the lease of a piece of land with the intention of creating a community garden. The idea is that local people can work together to grow lots of vegetables, create a little haven just to go and be in, and learn to care for the environment. There will be educational days, courses and workshops, and socials for the members. I think it is a spiffing idea.
Ahh, Britain, how I love you. You can almost hear the Archers theme tune.
This lady had made all these beautiful baskets out of hedgerow materials! She taught me to make a little wreath, which I was very chuffed with.
You can get the most beautiful colours using different species. Dogwood is my favourite, being a bright red colour. I have to say I'm very inspired and now have an ambition to make a basket like this little one, above. Apparently it takes a whole day on a workshop.
There was homegrown produce and yummy-looking things made out of them.....
Unfortunately they all had wheat in so I couldn't pig out. Which is a good thing I suppose because I probably would have obliterated the nice display.
Claire was being very brave and putting on a scarecrow-making workshop for some quite hyper kids, who were more keen on punching the scarecrows than drawing a nice face on them. She was actually really good with them! Some people just have the knack.
The ladies at the cake stand.
And lastly, the wreath I made! I decorated it when I got back with Autumnal things. Who says wreaths are just a Christmas thing?

I will be keeping you posted on the community project. I've put the website in the 'I love these' list on the right.

Sunday, 14 October 2012


Zappa:  Lion had a heavy night. 'What the....man......what happened to my suit?'

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Painting of MFC

This piece features a slice of vanilla cheesecake, a favourite dish shared by myself and MFC. I get the cheesecake bit and she gets the biscuit base. Neither of us like the other's bit so we are a cheesecake-sharing perfect match.

The only trouble with our glorious friendship is that MFC now feels entitled to jump up on outside tables and help herself to other people's lunch, and is now often found wandering into the house.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Chicken-Related Newsflash


Eye witness reports suggest that My Favourite Chicken, or MFC, ran at a high speed into the pond and became completely submerged, a highly unusual behaviour for non-aquatic poultry. 'It just ran and went straight under the water,' said Eco Luke, 84. 'At first, I thought it was a duck.' This would have been logical apart from the sinking. Co-witness Andy Gill later confirmed what were believed to be his wild claims. When questioned on the hen's reaction to the event, Luke said, 'It didn't like it very much.'
MFC, the alleged swimmer, declined to comment on the event.
Experts have, however, called into question the quality on the witnesses' reports. It has later come to light that MFC was not wet when identified from a line-up later that afternoon. A tip-off has been provided by someone known only as Lion, outlining the dubiousness of the witnesses' reliability. This includes a quote from Eco Luke saying 'Chickens all look the same to me,' and a theory that both Eco and Gill could be attempting to discredit MFC's reputation, to result in more cheesecake being shared with them and less with the hen.

Monday, 1 October 2012


Osama Bin Chicken (OSB) and My Favourite Chicken (MFC.      ...sounds disturbingly like a fast food chain)
MFC's offspring looking outraged that Sapphire stole her corn cob
Small Grey Hen, OBC, a white cockerel, MFC
Big Grey Hen and chick